Curriculum by year
Use the links below to view the Art curriculum by year.
At SFX our students think like an artist because...
they use a range of evidence to analyse a situation and draw conclusions based on what they believe to be the right outcome for themselves and those around them. Students are encouraged to explore a bank of support systems and how to access them. An SFX student studying PSHE would be able to recognise signs of positives mental health and wellbeing and signpost peers to helpful places for support when necessary.
They will be able to ask relevant questions and investigate the different career routes and explore different ways to manage finances.
They will understand what makes a fair and respectful environment and think critically about how they can advocate change when it is needed.
Students listen to other viewpoints and can make connections between how different scenarios may make different people feel and show empathy and understanding to others.
Recent research used to inform practices in Art
OFSTED subject review in Art
Subject pedagogy support by AQA standardization
Visits to Art Galleries
Kate Jones - Retrieval practice
Art vision
The Art Department aims to provide challenging opportunities for pupils to expand their creative and imaginative talents, through the exploration of aesthetics and expression. We have planned a structured curriculum to allow pupils to use a range of materials and techniques so that they may develop as independent, confident artists. We encourage pupils to take creative risks while pursuing their artistic ideas and developing their practical skills.
Pupils explore Art and Design from different historical and contemporary cultures and are encouraged to draw, photograph and appreciate their local environment.
Whole school visions
Use the links below to view our whole school vision and curriculum vision.
Curriculum team
- Mr M Wilson - Art Lead Teacher
KS4 courses
- GCSE Art & Design: Fine Art - AQA
Enrichment opportunities
- ‘Informal drop in group sessions at lunchtimes including creating work for the school
based on ‘Wellness’, Artwork for church events and sketch-booking. - Students have had the opportunity to look at the work of Brighton Artist – Sarah
Graham who has contacted the school and has offered her support and
encouragement with the Year 7 Students. - The KS3 mixed art group also create and develop work supporting events and
decorating parts of the school including decorations for the school fairs.
KS3 Students will be invited to take part in working on the ‘Arts Award’ in the
summer term.
Year 10 GCSE Students gather visual information in the summer term in a ‘research
and sketch’ visit to gather first hand resource materials as part of their ‘Nature’ work
and previously have gone on sketching walks in the surrounding area.
Students will also have the opportunity to meet and work with Robert Bedford
Graphic Designer, as well as be introduced to printmakers Stuart Wilkie and Peter
Manning. Previous workshops have included sessions with local Artist Dawn
Stockbridge as well as Ed Kluz investigating media and collage.