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St Francis Xavier

Teaching and Learning


At SFX we are fully committed to providing high-quality, personalised CPD for all members of staff in order to raise student achievement. 

Using evidence-based practices we aim to ensure our CPD delivery is relevant and collaborative by identifying key strands in each academic year as a school focus. 

The strands for this academic year are:

  • Strand 1: Developing character
  • Strand 2: Extending learning 
  • Strand 3: Subject pedagogy 

Alongside our calendared programme we regularly revisit focus areas on training days, in staff, department and leaders meeting. As needs arise throughout the year, we can accommodate appropriate and timely training. TeachMeets support the CPD programme sessions alongside regular research and development bulletins through our school publication of SFXcellence. Safeguarding and Pastoral CPD is delivered through our pastoral meeting allocations.

We actively seek external experts to deliver training to our staff as and when needs arise. As an example of this, our staff attended two bespoke training days delivered by Huntington Research School on adaptive teaching during the academic year 2023-24.

Bespoke training is offered to staff at all levels. We have created opportunities for shared ownership or autonomy in key areas of our school development with ongoing mentoring from staff in school.

Teaching staff are encouraged and supported to become examiners so that they continuously develop their understanding of the curriculum and its assessment.

All school staff have membership to The National College and educational research is shared through regular SFXcellence updates.

We recognise that one of the key strengths of our school is our committed and highly professional workforce, who deliver superb teaching to all the students on a daily basis.  New members of staff are given an induction day in the summer term to support their start in school, this is then followed by weekly LunchMeets. Opportunities throughout the year are also given to visit other teachers in the classroom to align best practices.