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St Francis Xavier

Curriculum by year

Use the links below to view our History curriculum for each year group.

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11


At SFX our students think like a historian because...

they ask questions. They are curious about the world they live in and strive to understand how understanding history informs their understanding of the world around them , e.g. linking the Cold War into the current Ukrainian invasion. They are critical thinkers and can analyse and evaluate information. They can discuss the terms bias, validity and peer review. They listen to other viewpoints and give evidence informed conclusions.


Recent research used to inform practices in English

The history department is developing reading skills using the EEF's reading comprehension strategies, i.e explicit teaching of strategies; teachers questioning pupils to apply key steps; summarising or identifying key points; metacognitive talk to model strategies; using graphic or semantic organisers;
using peer and self-questioning strategies to practice the strategies (such as reciprocal questioning); and
pupils monitoring their own comprehension and identifying difficulties themselves.


History vision

The aim for the History curriculum is to inspire all students to foster their love for history. A detailed understanding of the past will enrich their understanding of how the past has shaped the future and the world we live in today. Students will gain a deeper understanding of our gospel values, approaching the atrocities of the past with compassion, but also with the courage, to make sure all aspect of the past are not forgotten by the next generation.

We aim to equip our students with the skills needed to be well rounded individuals, critical liberal thinkers, so that they can use evidence available to reach their own judgment.

Throughout the curriculum students will develop different historical concepts, change and continuity, cause and consequences and similarity and differences. The ambitious curriculum allows students to make progress by developing their substantive and disciplinary knowledge mastering the skills to construct historical arguments. The key stage three curriculum will also provide structured and progressive preparation for GCSE, History in terms of key historical skills, relevant background knowledge and assessment requirements.


Our key focus is that all of our students make outstanding progress and are encouraged to develop their God given talents and be the best version of themselves.


Whole school visions

Use the links below to view our whole school vision and curriculum vision. 

Whole school vision Whole school curriculum vision    


Curriculum team

  • Mrs E Bowman - Curriculum Leader of History
  • Ms R Hope - Teacher of History


KS4 Course(s)

  • GCSE History - AQA

 Within this course, we cover the following topics:

  • Germany 1890 – 1945
  • Conflict and Tension 1918 – 1939
  • Elizabethan England 1558 – 1603
  • Health and the people c1,000 - present


Enrichment opportunities

  • Y7 – Richmond Castle Visit
  • Y7 – Local Church Study
  • All years – Talk from Holocaust survivor
  • Y9 – War Memorial Study
  • Y9 – Y11 London Trip (jointly with English)