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St Francis Xavier

Student leadership

Leadership experience for students can provide academic success as well as allowing students to develop skills in Organisation, team work, resilience, listening and speaking. 

At St Francis Xavier our leadership opportunities start from Year 7, where students can join student council and the Eco team.


Head students

Head students are elected in Year 11. Students apply for a position of head student and after a shortlisting process are then nominated into post by the student body. Head students oversee student leadership. They manage meetings and assist in appointing house captains. They are often called upon to represent the school in additional duties.



Prefects are elected in Year 10. They have many responsibilities in school and are called upon regularly to help with events, such as parents evenings, options evenings, and Year 6 open evenings. They organise annual students events in school and partake in a weekly lunchtime rota for assisting the dinner queue. 


House captains 

House captain are elected in Year 9. They have the responsibility of supporting their house and encouraging all students to partake in house competitions. They work closely with the Head students and student council to ensure student voice is heard and listened too. They are also called upon to help in school events. 


Student Council

The Student Council is a student body involved with decision making and initiatives aimed at improving school life for pupils throughout the school community. Every council member is immensely proud and committed to representing their fellow students.

Meeting once every half term the council discuss issues that have arisen during the previous week, projects and initiatives to enhance school life and the greater community as well as getting involved in the interview and selection process for new staff at the school.