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St Francis Xavier

Positive mental health

At St. Francis Xavier School we want to ensure that children have positive mental health. We know that the events of the coronavirus pandemic have taken their toll on many of our families.

Form tutors and pastoral staff continue to signpost children to the support that is available for them both in school and from external agencies if they are feeling low, anxious or worried about anything. 

We have also teamed up with MIND, a Mental Health Charity, to provide some workshops and sessions to enhance the support of the mental health of our young people after Easter 2021. We also have a school counsellor that comes into school two days a week to support young people. This is a referral based service and is overseen by Mrs Pratt who is one of our Pastoral Leaders and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. 


The following posters are also displayed in each classroom to signpost children to the support they can get.

Pastoral team structure

Safeguarding information

Mental health poster


Children Mental Health Week 2024

Children's Mental Health Week is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children and young people in the UK. 

To celebrate Children's Mental Health Week in school we are hosting a range of activities. Make your choices using the form below. 

Choose now. 


Keeping children safe online

We are also aware of the continued importance of keeping children safe online. More information on the work we do as well as newsletters for families can be found on our online safety page. 


Useful videos




Resources for pupils