Wellbeing achievements
In recognition of achievements and commitment to improving workforce health and wellbeing, St Francis Xavier School has been awarded the North Yorkshire Workplace Wellbeing award: Bronze level
Staff Wellbeing
At St Francis Xavier School we take steps to reduce workload and promote a positive working environment.
Steps taken to reduce workload and promote a positive working environment at St. Francis Xavier School
- Removal of end of term written reports
- Reduction in whole school data collections from 5 to 3.
- Wellbeing week at the end of each term with no after school commitments
- Wellbeing staff training day
- Wellbeing on meeting agendas
- Wellbeing staff working party
- Staff yoga available afterschool
- Use of the fitness suite for all staff
- External invigilators used for Year 10 and 11 mock exams
- Staff mini retreats
- Office angels/prayer angels
- Curriculum leaders select their own appropriate summative assessment dates
- Opportunities for progression and professional development
- Changes made to feedback and marking policy
- Reduction in QA and observations during remote learning
- Reduction in the appraisal observation from 1 hour to 30 minutes
- Tea and coffee once a week altogether
- Removal of photocopying on coloured paper
- Less than 1265 directed time hours – published to all staff.
- Trained well-being champion
- Mind support team in school working with staff and students
- Signed up to the Education staff wellbeing charter
- Staff curry nights!
Senior Leadership Team
- Mr M Burns - Executive Headteacher
- Mrs J Prime - Headteacher
- Mrs R Meek - Deputy Headteacher; Science Teacher
- Mrs S Hawkins - Assistant Headteacher (DSL); Science & Business Studies Teacher
- Mrs C Masterman - Assistant Headteacher; Head of Religious Education
- Mrs C McCool - Assistant Headteacher / SENDCo
- Mrs L McPhee - Associate Assistant Headteacher; Head of Science
Teaching Staff
Miss K Appleby - Mathematics Teacher
- Mr T Bearpark - Mathematics Teacher
Mrs C Boland - Technology Teacher
Mrs E Bowman - Head of History
Ms S Bradley - Head of Design Technology ; Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator
- Mrs E Brownson - Head of Computing; Staff Governor
- Mr A Bulmer - Head of year 9; Computing Teacher / PE Teacher
- Mrs J Busbridge - Music Teacher
- Mr M Cameron - Head of PE (maternity cover); PE Teacher
- Mrs K Carlin - Head of Year 8; Head of PE
- Mr S Carter - Head of Computing (maternity cover)
- Mrs S Coxon - Religious Education Teacher
- Mrs L Curran - Geography Teacher
- Mrs K Devanney - Religious Education Teacher
- Mrs K Dunkley - Head of Year 7; English Teacher
- Mrs E Edwards - Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
- Mrs A Fawcett - Head of Year 10; English Teacher
- Mrs S Gordon - Head of Year 11; Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
- Miss H Hall - PE Teacher and Head of Year 8 (Maternity Cover)
- Mrs S Henderson - Head of Modern Foreign Languages
- Miss R Hope - Head of Personal Development; History Teacher
- Miss R Hurton - Science Teacher
- Mr P Ingram - Head of Mathematics
- Mrs M Izdebski - English Teacher
- Mr S James - Mathematics Teacher
- Mrs C Knight - Science Teacher
- Mrs J Martin - Head of English; Lead Teacher (Whole School Literacy)
- Mr M McNally - Head of Geography Curriculum
- Mr M Morrison - Religious Education Teacher
- Mr T Naisbitt - Science Teacher
- Mr A Nolan - Science Teacher / Maths Teacher
- Miss S Quinn - Geography Teacher
- Miss C Smith - Head of Performing Arts; English Teacher
- Mr T Starkey - Supply Teacher
- Mr M Wilson - Head of Art
- Mr M Woffenden - English Teacher
Teaching Assistants
- Mrs L Thorpe - Senior Advanced Teaching Assistant
- Ms R Appleby - General Teaching Assistant / MSA
- Mrs J Cunningham - Advanced Teaching Assistant / MSA
- Mrs S Morgan - Advanced Teaching Assistant
- Mrs K Scott - Advanced Teaching Assistant
- Ms B Wallace - Advanced Teaching Assistant; Cover Supervisor
Support Staff (Non-Admin)
- Mrs M Crawford - Cover Supervisor
- Miss E Hogarth - Librarian / SEND Admin
- Mrs A Kewley - Cover Supervisor
- Mr S Lister - Technology Technician
- Mrs C McNally - Attendance Officer and Educational Visits Admin
- Mrs L Pratt - School Safeguarding Officer (DDSL)
- Mrs L Sanders - Chaplaincy Coordinator
- Mrs R Savage - Laboratory Technician
Support Staff (Admin)
- Mrs R Ash - Senior Business Support Officer
- Mrs H Harland - Senior Business Support Officer
- Mrs A Hughes - Business Support Officer
- Mrs B Pickles - Data and Exams Officer
- Mrs A Talbot - Business Support Officer
- Mrs J White - Trust Business Manager (Trust role)
Site Team
- Mr P McNally - Campus Manager (Trust role)
- Mr N Alderson - Assistant Caretaker
- Mr J Sartin - Caretaker (morning)
Cleaning Team
- Mrs K Palser-Hughes - Cleaning Supervisor
- Mrs K Cunningham - Cleaning Assistant
- Mrs T Hicks - Cleaning Assistant
- Miss V Tindall - Cleaning Assistant
Kitchen Team
- Mr D Thomas - Catering Manager
- Mrs S O'Connor - Assistant Chef
- Mrs L Gilmour - Kitchen Assistant
- Mrs P Green - Kitchen Assistant
- Mrs T Hicks - Kitchen Assistant
- Ms A Lynch - Kitchen Assistant
- Mrs R Smith - Kitchen Assistant