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St Francis Xavier

Tackling bullying and prejudice behaviour at SFX

Our ethos is rooted in Gospel values and 'Love of God, Love of neighbour'. Our Christian values are central to everything that we do at SFX with each week having a theme of the week where children reflect on how our Christian values can teach them to be respectful, kind and tolerant towards one another.

Our anti-bullying procedures shows how we tackle bullying in school both in terms of teaching pupils about respect towards one another and how we respond to any bullying incidents that happen. In each classroom we have an anti-bullying poster and children are asked to speak to an adult in school if either they are the victim of any bullying or indeed unkind behaviour or if they witness this. We also have an Equality Group within school which has been set up to raise awareness of any racism, prejudice or discrimination in school. There is a poster about this in each classroom.


Reporting bullying or prejudice 

If children would like to report any bullying or prejudice based behaviour anonymously then they can do so using the link below. 

Make a report