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We are delighted to be welcoming children who are starting at Saint Francis Xavier School in September 2025.
This page will provide students and parents with information on our transition programme and events.
Messages from our students
A warm welcome from our Year 11 Head Students and current Year 7 students.
Year 7 transition (ID 1205)
AkenetaHead Student
Dear Year 6’s,
My name is Akeneta and I am one of the four Head students of St Francis Xavier secondary school (SFX). I am thrilled to state that SFX is in the top 1.5% with regards to Progress 8 of all schools nationally, we also achieved the top grading in all four judgement areas, during an Ofsted inspection which took place in November 2024. Here, at SFX there are high learning expectations for us, which pushes students academically. These expectations encourage us to work harder to behave appropriately and to value our studies creating a passionate, positive and calm learning culture. Our teachers value our learning and understanding, they are consistently present through all that we do, ready to help us in any way, shape or form. If your struggling teachers are prepared to help. For example, there are intervention groups and additional support is given to those who need it. There is never a time where you will be worried or nervous about asking or receiving help, because in SFX there is a mutual understanding amongst students and staff alike of the significance of guidance especially when it comes to our learning. SFX offers a wide range of subjects and GCSE options, such as Creative I media, Food +Nutrition, Media, Business Studies, Art Geography, History, Computer Science, French, Spanish, PE and Science, our wide curriculum offer ensures that every student can flourish according to both their interests and skills, there really is something for every student at SFX. As I have mentioned your learning is valued here but so are your experiences. SFX provides stimulating extra-curricular trips, aimed to push students to navigate new experiences and adapt to new environments. For example, students have participated in trips to Rome and Sorrento, Belgium, Iceland and New York, the Lake District. Furthermore, at SFX you will participate in PSHE lessons once per fortnight, these are dedicated to teaching us about living in the wider world, our health and wellbeing, relationships and sex education. We learn of the risks of drugs and alcohol, how to identify and be critical of misleading information, how to stay safe online and more. As a result, students develop resilience, independence, responsibility and the knowledge needed for us to prepare for our lives. SFX is a school that will value your learning, that will challenge you so you can be better, that will push you to points you never realized you could reach, that will compel you to be an academic achiever but also a well-rounded person who will contribute positively in society. I know for a fact that you will love your time at SFX and I wish you success for the future. Yours faithfully,
PhillipHead Student
Hello my name is Phillip I am one of the Head students this year at SFX. I am going to give you some information about post-16 education and how SFX supports and gives you an idea of careers you could possibly do when you are older. SFX is really good at informing you about future careers and education through workshops that you will do throughout the year. These sessions happen across all years. In years 8 and 9 you will have the opportunity to take part in workshops that help to inform you about a range of different careers. Usually, the sessions are run by people from a range of different industries giving you a valuable insight into what it is like to work in that particular job. In Year 10 students have the opportunity to visit a wide range of post 16 providers such as Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form in Darlington, Darlington College, Durham University this helps you to make decisions about where you may want to study when you leave SFX. In year 11 it's time for students to choose a college or perhaps even an apprenticeship. To support you with your choices, you will have a meeting with our careers advisor Mr Myers in addition many colleges including the QE, Darlington College, Richmond Sixth Form come into school and provide a presentation of the courses that the college offers and the extra curricular activities that you can participate in. I have attended SFX for 5 years and I have my college place secured for September, this is thanks to the support of the Careers team and wider school staff that has enabled me to make an informed and non biased decision about my next steps.
RaamHead Student
Dear Y6, I am Raam Raj , a Head student at SFX. I want to take this opportunity to talk to you about the enrichment opportunities that are offered at school in particular clubs and student leadership. I remember when I was in your shoes, going to a new school: a big scary world which seemed impossible to fit into. But here at SFX we offer a wide range of activities that are tailored to all interests and personalities. If you are sporty, we offer a wide range of sports clubs like football, rugby, cricket, netball, hockey, basketball. But that’s not all! We also offer activities such as chess , book club ,Lego club, art club , STEM club , Science club and much more. At SFX we also have a brilliant Music and Drama Department who run may extracurricular activities throughout the week such as choir, worship band, drama club, one-one music lessons and every year, at SFX, we host a whole school production, so if you’re a budding actor, this may be for you! There are also quiet places of worship and study like the LRC and Chapel, where you can spend time for yourself, studying or reflecting with God. There are many opportunities to help in Chapel such as the SVP club and Faith in Action. These clubs especially help carry out our school ethos of ‘LOVE OF GOD, LOVE OF NEIGHBOUR’ and help make the general community and the world a better place . However, we mustn’t forget about our student leadership opportunities which, I can proudly say myself, have helped me grow in confidence and developed my leadership and communicative abilities. At SFX, students are relied on to help make their own student life as great an experience as possible as they know best about what can help. This could be through House representative who join to form a School Council. They discuss important topics about the school and see how they can bring their ideas and make it possible. They have helped in organising many events in the past such as Christmas fairs and cake sales which raise money for many charities. We also have Prefects , who help our teachers maintain a safe environment by carrying out duties throughout the week making sure students are safe and happy. We have the role of Head Student who are key representatives of the school and help as a voice for the student body , feeding their ideas and making them into reality. Lastly, we have Sports Representatives who help house organise teams to compete in house sports; an inter-year competition where it is a brilliant chance to show off your amazing talents and earn points for your house. Overall, SFX offers so many extra-curricular opportunities that help students not only fit in but thrive and develop as characters throughout their time here. Thank You and I know you will really enjoy being a member of the SFX community.
AvaHead Student
To Year 6,
At SFX, each pupil has something to add, every individual is appreciated. The ethos of love of God and love of neighbour is integral to our school and demonstrated by the values that guide and shape our community. SFX offers students a challenging environment with opportunities and support to help all of us reach our potential, whilst having a positive impact on the school and wider community. Through our guiding principles of courage, compassion, stewardship and service we strive to lead by example. Each student embodies the Christian faith and its values through the valuable lessons learnt daily, that are encouraged and celebrated.
There are many opportunities at SFX, both educationally and extra -curricular, but our weekly school worship, form worship and prayer time give us the chance to reflect, individually and as a group, on these principles and how they can be applied on a daily basis to our education and wider lives, and underpin who we are as individuals. The time to consider these ideas outside of regular lesson time has been invaluable. This is something I think separates SFX and something I hope you will grow to learn and embrace.
From Ava
LinnetYear 7 Student
Welcome to the SFX family! I’m Linnet and I’m in 7 Jervaulx. A year ago, the current year 7 were in your shoes. It’s a mixture of nervousness and excitement. What form will I be in? What will my timetable be like? Will I make friends?
Your Head of Year, Miss Dunkley, and her team of year 7 form tutors are amazing at being kind, helpful and staying positive. No matter what issues or concerns you have, you can always talk to your Head of Year or Form Tutor.
You will be put in one of the school houses which will be your form for the rest of your time at SFX: Rievaulx, Jervaulx, Easby and Fountains. At the start of a normal school day, you will spend 25 minutes in your form room with your form and in your transition days you will have a taste of your lessons with your form. The transition days are a fantastic way of meeting people and we had lots of fun trying the school food, meeting teachers and also finding our way around school. I was the only person who came from my primary school but this was not a problem as by the end of the transition days you will already have made friends with people who are going to be in your form.
There is a club for everyone at SFX, for example sports clubs at lunchtime and after school, performing arts clubs like drama, dance and music, and chaplaincy. Clubs are a great way of making friends and meeting people with the same interests as you. You may get to represent the school in sports and also get to take part in so many interesting things that help our wider community.
Always remember everyone is in the same position and even though it all seems new it won’t be for long. You will soon settle in and feel at home. SFX really does feel like a family and I can’t believe we are over half way through our first year here already.
I look forward to seeing you in July when you come for transition days.
Yours faithfully
Linnet (7 Jervaulx)
RupertYear 7 Student
Dear Year 6
I’m sure you will all be feeling a mixture of excitement and uncertainty, just like I did this time last year at the prospect of starting a new school. The idea of starting secondary school can make you feel nervous however SFX is warm, welcoming and lots of fun. I was made to feel welcome and part of the SFX community from the very beginning.
At the start you may not know anybody but this will not last long. The teachers here are extremely kind and supportive and will always be there to answer any questions or help resolve worries you may have. Your peer group will also support one another as you begin your journey together and also the older students are also really helpful - particularly at the start as they help to direct you around school and get from lesson to lesson.
SFX has a wide variety of clubs, so there is so much to get involved in. You can also meet new friends here and share common interests. SFX offers amazing school trips and in year 7 you will get the chance to go on the residential. This was a lot of fun and we did some great team building activities. As you move through the school there are also the opportunities to go on trips abroad to places like Rome, Iceland and Kenya.
Trust me when I say you will enjoy every moment of your journey here. You will all become part of our SFX family.
Looking forward to seeing you all at transition.
Rupert ( 7 Fountains)
Important dates
- 1st July: Year 6 Parents Information Evening at 5pm
- 2nd July: Year 6 Transition Day 1
- 3rd July: Year 6 Transition Day 2
Useful documents and links